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Experiencias contadas


Anne Claire

Silvia Serrano |

Valentina Bapst





Vine para hacer construcción y trabajo físico.
Descubrí descontrucción mental y calma.

Matthew ConrardyIngles/Español

I can’t thank David enough for what he has created. His vision for a conscious space for intense inner development and amplified collective connection far exceeded any of my expectations.
The remote location provides a perfect environment to be intentional. The wholesome and fresh meals (often from the garden or forged) make cooking and eating a very special part of the day. The daily music sessions prioritize the present moment and bring everyone together again and again. The work is fulfilling. The conversations and open expression of feelings are refreshing. The awareness of limited resources is grounding. The animals are playful. The people are receptive and supportive. The natural spring is healing. The birds are joyous. The stars are bright.
David himself is able to offer so much through his words, but also how he carries himself everyday. Immediately I felt how much he cares about the land and every being that comes to it.
I am so thankful to witness myself and others blossom and evolve in just the short two weeks I was there. It was the perfect space for me to develop and gain confidence as a painter, writer, and musician. I can happily say my time here altered the trajectory of my life and reminded me of the things that matter. It was the greenest thing I’ve ever seen.
Gracias. Gracias. Gracias. To David and everyone and everything I encountered a la sitio. Until next time.

No tengo palabras para agradecer a David lo que ha creado. Su visión de un espacio consciente para el desarrollo interior intenso y la conexión colectiva amplificada superó con creces cualquiera de mis expectativas.
La ubicación remota proporciona un ambiente perfecto para ser intencional. Las comidas sanas y frescas (a menudo de la huerta o forjadas) hacen que cocinar y comer sea una parte muy especial del día. Las sesiones diarias de música dan prioridad al momento presente y reúnen a todos una y otra vez. El trabajo es gratificante. Las conversaciones y la expresión abierta de los sentimientos son refrescantes. La conciencia de los recursos limitados es enraizante. Los animales son juguetones. Las personas son receptivas y comprensivas. El manantial natural es curativo. Los pájaros están alegres. Las estrellas brillan.
El propio David es capaz de ofrecer tanto a través de sus palabras, pero también de cómo se comporta cada día. Inmediatamente sentí cuánto se preocupa por la tierra y por cada ser que llega a ella.
Estoy muy agradecida de haber sido testigo de cómo yo y los demás florecimos y evolucionamos en las dos semanas que estuve allí. Fue el espacio perfecto para desarrollarme y ganar confianza como pintora, escritora y música. Puedo decir felizmente que mi estancia aquí alteró la trayectoria de mi vida y me recordó las cosas que importan. Fue lo más verde que he visto nunca.
Gracias. Gracias. Gracias. A David y a todos y a todo lo que me encontré en el sitio. Hasta la proxima.


Abre Abre Corazon

I am deeply thankful for being able to experience el San Pedro or "el abuelo with David.
The San Pedro ceremony helped me realise the deeper purpose of my art that I had been researching for a few years.
The "Sacred" part of my life was missing and David helped reveal it with the "planta Sagrada" and the harmony of the group.
I came back focused, light hearted and not affected by the hectic energy of the city and the chaos of building works.
In the weeks that followed, I had a series of enlightening dreams that allowed me to see my patterns more clearly and I felt guided to make necessary changes.
It was an intimate experience of pure joy and excitement, a new chapter for my artistic development and for my life.
The vivid image that will stay with me is David singing:
"Sube, suba buscador/buscadora... encontrar una visión...
Abre abre corazón...",
It confirmed Spanish was the language of the heart, the reason I moved to Spain .

After our conversation and the ceremony:
I was less in demand with life/ no more extravagant desire/ more humble/ knowing what is good for me now and most of the time/
more in touch with little pleasure like the birds, my warm cup of tea, a tiny garden, a plant in the cement... relearn to be happy with less and see the beauty in imperfection like the ancient Japanese Wabi-sabi philosophy.
The city has taken me to a dark place I knew before and that I thought I could avoid, I have got to remember my definitions or what gives me a balanced life with the position of the warrior... (our inner ability to overcome ego and ignorance)

During the experience itself:
A scream in this peaceful forest, a high-pitched scream, a call of an animal? No, my cry was very human but unusual. This is why I think about animals.
A scream goes out of my all body without my consent, I can't help it. It reminds me of Corinne Sombrun who couldn't stop doing the cry of the wolf while the shaman was playing the drum.
I can hear the handpan music, the music captures me...
This scream reminds me of my labour, and the state of extreme fatigue I was in, ready to let go of life because it was too much pain.
At last I close my eyes, a strong strobe of light shows me that the mescaline is starting to have an effect. Tears roll down my cheeks and they transform into beautiful snowflakes shapes.
When the music stops, I come to my senses and walk near the group.
Sitting there, I play with the light and drawings that I can see when I close my eyes. Each movement I do, each thing I place in my hands produces new shapes, new colours. As if I am looking through a kaleidoscope. I couldn't stop dancing, moving and touching to create these endless, beautiful landscapes of lines and shapes. The playful visions will carry on for the rest of the afternoon.
When I decided to go for a walk, I knew the path, I had already been with Bertrand, I saw his face with a large smile and I cried a lot during my walk. I saw all this love I was putting into this relationship, I couldn't stop crying for the love I received for giving.
When I came back I decided to give a massage to a girl that needed a soft touch. I was very focused and opened my eyes to not drift into the shapes and stabilise my cries.
After that, I played more in the middle of the cactus, connecting with San Pedro, I had great visions of the plant. One vision was the position of the warrior showing me that this yoga pose needed to be in my practice everyday. I also had a fantastic vision looking inside a stone, seeing an amazing texture between velvet and water, so pure, this little cave was a delight for my senses.

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Dear David, dear reading human 🌞🌞🌞,

my experience at Davids place was beyond words. I planned to stay for 2 weeks... I stayed for 2 months. The atmosphere, the peacefulness, the acceptance and, of course, David himself were just great.

During my time here I did lots of different kind of jobs. I was there in late autumn/winter, so there was not that much gardening to do. We mostly did jobs, which had to do with renovating the house. Taking off old concrete from the beautiful old stone walls and creating new stone art. Most days were different. Three days we helped some friends with olive picking, in exchange we got some amazing local olive oil! As I love cooking, most days I would create meals for all of us to eat.
The constellation and jobs also changed with new people coming and going. David is also open for any kind of creative projects which make his place even more homey and lovable.

Around the area there are plenty of walks in beautiful nature!!! There are no roads around, no shops, no busy city life. It's truly a place to connect to nature, yourself and the other human beings.
I would say his place is for any human who is open-minded, flexible, kind, interested in spiritual ways of living, living in peace with nature.

David, from the bottom of my heart – BIG THANKS!!! 🌱❤🙏🌏


I don’t know why it took me so long to post a review but I felt inspired to do so, more than a year later. I still think often of David, the experiences I had here, and the people I met there. It inspired me a lot and also was a safe space for healing and being vulnerable. When I was there David has been encouraging me to bring my own gifts to this space and this created a fun "work" environment where I could explore my own skills. Perhaps one thing that I loved the most about this place, is the intention behind it, which I felt was to reconnect to ourselves, nature and each other, and to heal personally and collectively. I feel immense gratitude when I think of this space and the people I’ve met there. Thanks for everything 😀

Jennifer Oronich Trani09-08-2020

Increíble, compartir con tantos seres bellos, en este mágico espacio.
Brutal sensación la que me mueve aquí y ahora el corazón.
El aire acompaña los pasos del proceso, que quema con el sol, se refresca la emoción en este bello rincón.
Gracias por ser, estar, existir.

P. Arenas29-08-2020

Una experiencia inolvidable me ha gustado mucho compartir la esencia que tengo de Dios con todos vosotros. ¡Volveré!
Si Dios quiere aquí me teneís, podéis contar conmigo. Dios os Bendiga.

Julia12/8/2020 al 07/09/2020

¡La Casa del Agua – qué maravilla!
O en las palabras de Petra ¡Qué wow!
Gracias por compartir tantos momentos de paz y alegría, por escuchar, por dar espacio para nuevas ideas, por hospedar tanta gente increíble y formar nuevas redes, por respetar la naturaleza, por hacer esta experiencia acá tan única.
He encontrado una nueva familia y puedo llamar a estas montañas un lugar donde realmente me siento en casa.
David, te deseo mucha suerte en este gran proyecto, tu iniciativa hace posible el crecimiento de una historia genial y esto es solo el principio. estoy segura que vas a inspirar a mucha gente.
¡Me voy con mi corazón lleno de amor y buena onda!
Espero que nos veamos pronto, un fuerte abrazo,


I guess words would not be ebough to evaluate and describe such great experience at David's place. Besides having great meals, deep conversations, revitalizing your body and mind, there I felt the healing spiritual experience of sharing with big-hearted people all the time. No way you can go wrong in choosing going there.

Las experiencais de nuestros invitados

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